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Current downloads

You will find our current catalogues and information brochures to download here.

Spacewall Main Catalogue - Spacewalls & systems

Open catalogue

Spacewall Accessories

Open catalogue

Spacewall Decors

Create highlights! Give your Spacewall® a unique appearance and stand out from the crowd - with an almost infinite variety of design options! Thanks to our large network of creative decorative specialists, we have access to almost any design, no matter how unusual it might be. From classic shopfitting decor to haptic coatings that open up completely new shopping experiences for your customers. Contact us so that we can develop your ideas!

Open catalogue

Spacewall elements

Open catalogue

Spacewall Interlink

Spacewall Desk

Spacewall Ilaro

Spacewall Sustainable Products

Assembly recommendations

Open catalogue

Formats & options/possibilities

You can download a summary of the numerous possibilities that Spacewall ® offers here. Create your own Spacewall. Limited only by your imagination.

Open catalogue